


Thruster is vibrating, doesn’t run or runs in one direction or random directions or just stops and beep randomly

Wet connectors

The most common problem is a connector on the Thruster or Power Pack side that is not mated well and letting water get into the connector and shorting the pins.  Remove connector, dry everything and try again. Watch this video:

Thruster runs perfectly for a few seconds and stops completely. Even in air.

Damaged connectors

This typically happens when the system detects a break in the circuitry. Most common cause of this is broken small pins in the connectors or power wires. If you have broken pins in the connector you will need to send us the Thruster or Power Pack for repairs. Contact

My Thruster runs as soon as I plug it into the Power Pack. Sometimes at full speed and sometimes just randomly on and off.

Water in your Thruster or Power Pack

It is possible because of defect or damage that your Thruster or Power Pack has taken on water.  Contact us as soon as possible:

Can I run the Thruster in air just for a few seconds?

Yes, BUT

Yes, you can run the Thruster in air safely on the lower speeds. NEVER run the Thruster at the highest speeds in air.

HANDHELD KITS - Swim Jet (Snorkel and Scuba)


My thruster will not stop running

Water in your Power Pack

It’s possible for a variety of reasons you have water in your thruster. This is leading to a shorting of the circuitry and resulting in the Power Pack acting up and running the motor by itself or turning on and staying on or beeping from time to time. There is no troubleshooting this issue. See below topic and how to deal with this.

I see fog in my Power Packs’s LED

Water in your Power Pack

For some reason you have water in your Power Pack. This may either cause the Power Pack to short out completely and die or act bizarrely for a while and then eventually shut off and stop working altogether. This includes self triggering and other unpredictable behavior. 

In this case contact us immediately for help: Stop plugging the motor into the battery, you may cause more damage. 

In the very unlikely event the Power Pack may be smoking or overheating, dispose of it immediately and do not place near anything valuable, indoors or near flammable material.

NEVER charge a battery you suspect of being damaged or waterlogged!!

My charger is not charging my Power Pack

  1. Charger is defective
  2. Charging board in Power Pack is defective

Your charging "brick" has an LED indicator that will either be green or red. 

When you first plug your wall charger into the wall, you should get a green light. If you see no light, then your charger may be defective or your charging pins may be shorting out at the charger port. 

If the LED does not turn red when you plug into your battery and your battery is not full, then you may have a bad charging board or Battery Management System in your battery. Please contact us to help you resolve your issue further by completing a support ticket here. 

NEVER charge a battery you suspect of being damaged or waterlogged!



Wireless remote not working

Needs new Power Pack

It is possible that the watch battery in your remote control is dead. This is a battery that needs to be changed from time to time. Follow this link to see video instructions on how to replace your remote battery. 

Wireless remote not working

Needs to be synced

Your Bixpy Power Packs that have blue LED lights can be synced with their remotes. If you have changed your remote Power Pack of for some reason un-synced your Power Pack from your remote, go to this weblink to see a short video on how to sync them again.

How can I find out if the problem is my remote or my Outboard Power Pack not responding?

Use the kill switch to start your motor

You can run your Power Pack at 50% power with just the magnetic kill switch. Go to this link to see a very short video on how to do this: your motor is not plugged in when you do this, you will get an error signal from the battery. Remove and replace the magnet and try again with the motor attached. 

My Outboard Power Pack does not run my Thruster and produces flashing lights on the LEDs

  1. Wet connectors
  2. Damaged Thruster
  3. Damaged connectors
  1. Check that your connectors are mated well and not causing water to penetrate and short them
  2. Check that the Thruster is not damaged, cracked or water slushing inside.
  3. Check that the Thruster or Power Pack connectors are not damaged or have broken pins
  4. Check the integrity of the cable to your motor. Are there any nicks and tears on the cable sleeve? This can lead to motor damage by water intrusion. 

My Outboard Power Pack has shut off completely and no LEDs come on when engaged

Power Pack possible drained

Check that your Power Pack is charged. Plug in your wall charger and let the Power Pack charge. If your charger or Power Pack is not responding, contact us for further assistance. NEVER charge a battery you suspect of being damaged or waterlogged. 

My Outboard Power Pack has shut off completely and no LEDs come on when engaged

Power Pack safety has turned off internal cells

Water in the connectors can short the Power Pack and thereby result the Power Pack to shut down internally to protect burning out circuitry.

The other cause of Power Pack shutdown is a jam in your propeller that will result overdraw from the Power Pack and Thruster and thereby shut down the Power Pack for safety.

To reset your Power Pack, remove the Thruster from the Power Pack and plug in your charger (under power) to reset the internal circuitry and bring your Power Bank to life. 

I see fog in my Power Packs’s LED

Water in your Power Pack

For some reason you have water in your Power Pack. This may either cause the Power Pack to short out completely and die or act bizarrely for a while and then eventually die. Including self triggering and other unpredictable behavior.

In this case contact us immediately for help:

In the very unlikely event the Power Pack may be smoking or overheating, dispose of it immediately and do not place near anything valuable, indoors or near flammable material.

NEVER charge a battery you suspect of being damaged or waterlogged!!.

My charger is not charging my Power Pack.

  1. Charger is defective
  2. Charging board in Power Pack is defective

Your charging "brick" has an LED indicator that will either be green or red. 

When you first plug your wall charger into the wall, you should get a green light. If you see no light, then your charger may be defective or your charging pins may be shorting out at the charger port. 

If the LED does not turn red when you plug into your battery and your battery is not full, then you may have a bad charging board or Battery Management System in your battery. Please contact us to help you resolve your issue further by completing a support ticket here. 

NEVER charge a battery you suspect of being damaged or waterlogged!

My Outboard Power Pack is giving me a random beeping sound with nothing attached to it and without the kill switch

Wet connectors

Check your Auxiliary connector to make sure there is no water in there that is shorting the pins and turning your auxiliary power on and off continuously and causing the beeping. This may damage your board. Dry to your connectors and make sure they are capped when exposed to water.

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