Using Bixpy Jets in fighting wildfires!
There are so many uses for Bixpy Jets!
We have seen some of our users do amazing things with the Bixpy Jets and we've seen some very cool DIY projects.
But nothing beats having the jets used in fighting wildfires! To mix the fire suppressant chemicals dumped on wildfires, Florida Fire (among other states) use Bixpy Jets to get the job done!
Because of their size (just over 2lb) and their covered propeller, the jets make an easy addition to the inside of the tanks and buckets used in helicopters and planes used to dump chemicals to suppress fires.
At full power, Bixpy Jets push about 130 gallons of water from their shroud per minute!! That's about 3 bathtubs of water a minute.
We can't be more proud of having our products help our frontline heroes do their job a bit more easily!