Reasons To Install an Outboard Motor on Your Canoe
Have you ever thought about the idea of motorizing your personal canoe? As small as canoes are out on the water, maneuvering one around is no easy feat, no matter one’s experience. The physical exertion and propulsion are all part of the fun—but the effort can undoubtedly become tireless after a long day of paddling around.
Propelling the boat forward with sole human power may take up too much time and energy. Ergo, you may find yourself desiring supplemental power to get from point A to point B in certain situations. Curious about the main reasons to install an outboard motor on your canoe? Canoes aren’t vessels traditionally designed for motors—yet can ultimately benefit from the efficiency of a mounted outboard motor. Here’s what you need to know.
The Ease of Zealous Maneuvering
The use of an outboard motor unequivocally makes traveling a piece of cake for avid canoers. If you’re frequently out on the waters, the supplementary addition of a motor holds a significant advantage in any aquatic environment. Motorized canoes can go places traditional paddle canoes could never go, providing that extra push to get the most out of an endeavor. The sky’s truly the limit with adjustable speed or runtime—no sweat involved unless you want to switch it up and paddle around.
A Different Approach for Keen Anglers
Out of all the reasons to install an outboard motor on your canoe, its versatility also tops the list. Similar to kayak fishing, canoe fishing is a popular option for today’s fisherman. The technological advancement of an outboard motor provides anglers with a different approach to the fishing game. Fishing enthusiasts can hold locations, run new routes, and never have to put down their fishing poles to paddle. Anglers can go the distance all day without losing sight of a fish again.
Quiet and Clean Propulsion: Electric Outboard Motors
You may think that rigging up, transporting, and maintaining an outboard motor adds several layers of complexity to your canoeing game. This is not the case. Research and development have made installing and using small motor-powered watercraft a breeze. Electric battery-powered outboard motors are the future—compared to combustion or gas motors, that is—of power and convenience.
If you’re in the market for an electric outboard motor with battery-powered efficiency, there’s only one unquestionable choice on today’s market: Bixpy’s J-2 Outboard Kit. This motor is whisper-quiet, eco-friendly, waterproof, lightweight, and maintenance-free. Read more about this apex product, its key features, and our story on our site today.