Introducing Kids to Kayaking: A Quick Parents’ Guide
Ralph Waldo Emerson believed that people should “live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, and drink the wild air’s salubrity.” There’s truly nothing like being out in nature and embracing the sights, sounds, and sensations of the natural world around you. If you’re on the lookout for a wonderful way to get your kids more interested in the great outdoors, water activities are a perfect place to start.
In contrast to other physical water sports, kayaking offers lower intensity levels and more versatility on various waterways. Are you interested in this adventurous outdoor activity? Let’s talk further about introducing kids to kayaking in a quick parents’ guide. Here’s what you should consider before paddling away.
Always Stick to Safety First
Bringing children along on a kayaking trip is not the same as an adults-only endeavor. Kayaking is a relatively low-risk sport, but you should still plan and prepare for a successful, enjoyable adventure together by setting numerous safety guidelines from the get-go. Talking to young children about safety when on the water is essential.
Stick to brief, age-appropriate points to help them understand the environment they will be exploring. Outline expectations for the outing to foster respect for the sport and responsibility while in nature. This discussion will make sure the kiddos have enjoyable experiences they’ll remember their entire lives.
Choose the Right Type of Kayak
Next up on a quick parents’ guide to introducing kids to kayaking, we’ll talk about selecting the right vessel. Choosing the right kayak for a trip with a child depends upon several factors, including your family’s needs and skills. Consider their physical abilities, maturity level, and your own experience out in the water. When initially familiarizing your kids with the activity, you can take them “duffing.” Duffing is riding with a passenger—they sit in front on a double kayak.
Keep children in a tandem kayak with an adult until they develop a longer attention span and greater stamina to paddle for the entire trip. After building up their confidence and skills, you can move them over to a single kayak to maneuver themselves around and enjoy the scenery. Most kids can begin to handle their own small kayak comfortably by age 10.
Focus on Their Engagement
Remember that children will pick up on a parent’s joy or irritability. Keep the mood bright and focus on their engagement while introducing them to the activity. Fully investing in the outing as a family sparks excitement and wonder for Mother Nature, sustaining interest in outdoor activities for years to come.
True outdoor enthusiasts should consider motorizing their kayak with propulsion systems. Bixpy’s award-winning outboard motor systems are perfect power solutions for small watercraft. These motors make traveling on kayaks smoother, enhancing the experience for yourself and your kids. Learn more about our assortment of innovative products on our site today.