Growing the Kayak Fishing industry
Since 2017, when we shipped out our first Bixpy motors and batteries, we have grown to now selling hundred of motors a month and have shipped Bixpy motors, batteries and adapters to every corner of the US and many locations abroad.
One of the greatest thrills for all of us at Bixpy has always been the ability to allow more people to enjoy getting and staying on the water.
This has been particularly important for the kayak fishing community, a fast growing community that continues to push the envelope of exploring new waters for the thrill of the next catch, to explore new places and go where no other watercraft can reach.
Within that community, we have met and partnered with some amazing community leaders who have been helping the kayak fishing industry grow by paying extra attention to the needs of the kayakers and their passion.
Among one of our best supporters is Eco Fishing Shop. The team at EFS not only put their customers first and make a great effort to always learn and represent our products correctly, but they are kayak fisherman, and has such do everything they can to grow the community and help other enjoy the sport.
With their new brick and mortar shop in Camdenton, Missouri, they're definitely pushing the customer experience to the next level. This is in addition to the massive Facebook owner's group that already gives their customers exclusive access to one of the most helpful portal for likeminded kayak fishermen.
We look forward to years of strong working relationship with Eco Fishing Shop and can't wait to visit them in their new store and do some fishing in the Ozarks together!